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Film poster for Polia & Blastema, depicting two cosmic beings in an embrace, floating above the sun justified along the bottom margine with the firmament in the background and the film's title center-justified.
Film poster for Polia & Blastema, depicting two cosmic beings in an embrace, floating above the sun justified along the bottom margine with the firmament in the background and the film's title center-justified.

Announcing ⎯ Polia & Blastema ⎯ a cosmic opera

Announcing ⎯ Polia & Blastema ⎯ a cosmic opera (2021)

Polia & Blastema, E. Elias Merhige's first foray into opera, is a gnostic creation myth told through a visual tapestry which journeys into immensely desolate hellscapes of the inorganic as organic folding back onto itself in ever spiraling, fractally superimposing cataclysms of wormhole network (be)longing.

Aesthetically tempered by aspects of decay, rot, earth, and the meta-myth structure of human cognition, the multi-leveled world of Polia & Blastema is informed by the visual imagination of David Wexler, a celebrated visual artist who has been the mastermind behind the live performances of Flying Lotus, The Weeknd, and The Glitch Mob, among many other artists. It is also informed by Viennese Actionism as much as it is by Eugene Thacker’s notions of “the world without us”, of supernatural horror and dissolution, expressed in the separation and (re)union of two entities who in the end feast on one another in ritualistic ecstasy

Starring Nina McNeely and Jasmine Albuquerque and featuring vocalists Micaela Tobin and Sharon Chohi Kim, Polia & Blastema is a unique cinematic journey into the cosmic.

This record is a collection of B-sides, Stems, and Previews, serving as a preview of the film's sound world.

View Announcing ⎯ Polia & Blastema ⎯ a cosmic opera in the digital garden.
