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A photograph from a tall building looking down over a suburb in winter. The sky is overcast and the ground is covered in snow. The photograph is taken from a high angle, and the buildings are small and distant.
A photograph from a tall building looking down over a suburb in winter. The sky is overcast and the ground is covered in snow. The photograph is taken from a high angle, and the buildings are small and distant.

Three Scenes In Winter

1. I
2. II
3. III

Three Scenes In Winter (2016)

This early piano work, in three parts, represents an experiment in transcribing and codifying a series of improvised recording sessions built upon a small set of pre-determined thematic fragments, which recur throughout in various iterations. The result is a ‘fixed’ score which embodies ‘un-fixed’ principles; capturing extemporaneous musical material into something unified and static.

The release of this set of pieces was postponed due to a master print that was previously thought to have been lost. Despite being in possession of lossy reference files, these lacked the requisite fidelity for publication. A copy of the original master was found in late 2014.

View Three Scenes In Winter in the digital garden.
